Thailand co-opted member of ICMI

Very recently ICMI, and its mother organisation the International Mathematical Union, have agreed to co-opt Thailand as a non-IMU member of ICMI in accordance with the Terms of Reference for ICMI. The background is this: All member states of the IMU are automatically members of ICMI as well. However, states which for some reason or other are unable to join the IMU may apply for co- option as a non-IMU member of ICMI. Such applications are submitted to ICMI on an individual basis. When considering an application, ICMI will put emphasis on the representative involvement in the application of all major relevant parties of mathematics education and mathematics in the applicant country. For co-option to be decided, the Executive Committees of ICMI and the IMU both have to give their consent.

Also a body corresponding to an Adhering Organisation of the IMU has to be identified as the formal carrier of ICMI membership. Moreover, the Adhering Organisation is responsible for appointing the National Representative on ICMI of the co-opted country. In the case of Thailand this body is the Mathematical Association of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King. No National Representative has been appointed as yet.